Making decisions are really hard. Well, it is for me, anyway.
I can never decide between Chick-fil-a or Chipotle, staying in or going out with friends, or even choosing what day to go to the grocery story. Can you relate?
Meditation is big right now. It is something that some of the most successful people in the world swear by and if someone who I consider successful tells me to do something, I'm definitely doing it without question.
I was scrolling through Bustle and read this interesting article that spoke to me. Research from the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging has shown that meditation strengthens the brain and improves your ability to think clearly, which in turn can help you make decisions more efficiently. The study showed that those who consistently and regularly meditate experience measurable changes in their brain structure, which translates to better thinking and decision-making.
There are so many different ways to meditate and if you don't know where to start, a simple internet search will help you find out how to start. Most people go to a quiet place, close their eyes, be still and quiet their minds.
Go meditate and become a more decisive person!