My Baby Cow. My MonaBean.

Find out more about the "Baby Barn" at this year's GA National Fair. 

Click link above:

     My thoughts about this year's new "Baby Barn" addition to the GA National Fair, is that birth should never be scheduled because it is a natural event, and having an audience for any mom is not what I consider a great idea. It is my experience, that birth, for any species, is an intimate process that needs a peaceful environment for the best result. 

     The GA National Fair insists that the mama cows will, and are stress free, but as a mother myself that birthed the above baby naturally with my Doula and Midwife, I disagree with an audience being "stress free," but it is an interesting addition. I'm sure it will be a very educational event for those that have never witnessed a natural birth.  

     The above picture is my MonaBean. One of her many nicknames was "My Baby Cow" because of how long her lashes are in this picture. Enjoy the GA National Fair and Baby Barn exhibit this year! Share your thoughts in the comments below:



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