Here's a head start on your spring-cleaning checklist: Someone asked Reddit to name the top things guests notice that can make your place seem gross.
1. The bathroom. They'll look around while sitting there, and they WILL judge you. Toothpaste splatter on the mirror is a big one.
2. Doorknobs and light switches. They're touched a lot, so the area around them can start looking gross. You're there every day, so you might not notice.
3. Dirty dishes. You can get away with it if it looks like you just haven't cleaned up from breakfast. But a FULL sink of dirty dishes is too much.
4. Old food in the fridge. Especially if they open it and there's a smell. Your whole place could be spotless, and you'll still seem disgusting.
5. Dust. Especially in spots that are easy to clean. If everything's dusty, it means you tidy up but haven't deep cleaned in a while.
6. Dirty floors. If you've got crumbs, grime, or lots of pet hair all over the place, you probably don't clean a lot. STICKY floors are the worst.
7. The smell. Taking the trash out before guests show up is always a good call. Also, try putting an air freshener by your front door. It makes a good first impression, because it hits their nose as soon as they walk in.
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