"Bibb County faces some of the worst health outcomes in Georgia, according to County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, which ranks the region in 143rd place out of the state’s 159 counties. More than a third of adults here are obese and 28 percent are physically inactive."
Since moving here from Houston, TX last summer, where I was a successful, up and coming, group fitness instructor in the fitness industry for 24 Hour Fitness, I went from teaching 2-3 classes a day, 6-7 days a week, to ZERO classes. I can't even side hustle off of my fitness career here in Macon..
It's been a disappointment to see that fitness is not a priority in Macon/Middle GA. Please do me a favor, and do these 3 simple steps to help not only ourselves out, but also our community:
- Hydrate with water. Turn away from sugar or even artificially sweetened drinks.
- Watch your sugar consumption. Packaged foods are the culprit for hidden sugars so eat fresh.
- Make sure to hit a daily step count goal of 10,000 steps for health and wellness.
@GinaOnTheMic (((HUGS))) Gina Genesis