Fresh Brewed Production’s musical, “The Wright Brothers – Those Daring Young Men & Their Flying Machine!” will be performed as a dinner theatre, and presented by the Museum of Aviation Foundation on November 3, 2018!
- This is a “New York City Musical Production”
- There will only be one evening performance
- The performance will take place in the Century of Flight Hangar
- A cash bar will be available
- This performance is for adults/couples
- Doors will open at 6:00 pm for a buffet dinner
- The show will start at 7:00 pm
Buffet Menu (Catered by The Butcher Shop)
- Steak Diane with beef cream sauce/mushrooms
- Chicken breast with Parmesan sauce
- Twice baked potatoes
- Green Bean bundles wrapped in bacon
- Spring Mix Salad
- Rolls
- Dessert – peach pound cake and pecan pie
The cost will be $40 per person or $70 per couple and can be purchased here.